Welcome to Chase Trails
Chase Trails is a local volunteer group set up over 20 years ago in partnership with Forestry England to build and maintain the mountain bike trails on Cannock Chase, in Staffordshire, England.
Cannock Chase is home to the award winning and highly popular Follow the Dog and Monkey Trail mountain bike trails, as well as Stile Cop’s downhill trails. A combination of hand built and contractor built trails, it has taken well over 35,000 man hours from volunteers to build the trails – that’s around 4 solid years of work, with no sleep!
Without your help, the mountain bike trails simply cannot exist. Come along and help – we work on new and existing trails on a regular basis, meeting outside Cannock Chase Cycle Centre at Birches Valley.
All volunteers get a free day parking pass – come and help out in the morning, and ride in the afternoon for free!
Want to see what we’re up to?
Be sure to follow us on our social media channels for frequent updates on our recent work!